LGBTQ+ Support
PFLAG Annapolis/Anne Arundel County supports both LGBTQ+ adults and children.
Click here for Resources for the following LGBTQ+ Sexual Identities:
- Lesbian
- Gay
- Bisexual
- Pansexual
- Asexual
- Queer/Other LGBTQ+ Sexual/Romantic Identities on the Spectrum
Click here for Resources for the following LGBTQ+ Gender Identities:
- Transgender
- Gender Fluid
- Queer/Other LGBTQ+ Gender Identities/Expressions on the Spectrum
Click here for LGBTQ+ Resources for Youth (Ages through 19 Years Old)
- Tweens (Ages 9 through 13 Years Old)
- Teens (Ages 13 through 19 Years Old)